Policy against Sexual Exploitation of Girls, Boys and Adolescents (ESNNA)

We care about the preservation of the integrity of human beings, especially sexual and particularly when it affects minors.

Our policy against the Sexual Exploitation of Girls, Boys and Adolescents, in accordance with the provisions of current legal provisions, contemplates the adoption of the following preventive measures:

  1. Not promoting sex tourism through the sale of tourist services, carefully selecting and permanently evaluating our service providers.
  2. Sensitize and train our work team in the prevention of the exploitation of human beings, with an emphasis on the sexual exploitation of girls, boys and adolescents.
  3. Inform our clients and suppliers about our ESSNA Policy.
  4. Report to the competent authorities any act of exploitation or sexual abuse against human beings, in particular against minors.
  5. Prohibit and reject that the personnel of our company and suppliers carry out the dissemination of pornographic material with minors.
  6. Prohibit the use and dissemination of illegal material with minors through our company networks.
  7. Implement measures that prevent our collaborators from offering guidance or promoting sexual contacts.
  8. Disseminate information to our clients and users of our web platform about the existence of legislation against the sexual exploitation of minors.
  9. Show in a public place, whether digital or printed, our policy of prevention of sexual exploitation of children and adolescents.